Tuesday 21 January 2014

| New years Revolutions |

So its 2014, i can't believe how quick 2013 has been. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and new year! I'm so excited to start 2014, as i have some big things happening. My sister is getting married in June which is so exciting! So happy for her!:) I'm hopefully moving out and getting a house with my boyfriend, Daniel, which is scary but exciting! Every year i set myself a couple of new years revolutions and most years i have failed at them:( But this year I'm going to complete them all! (Hopefully) 

The first one is to become more organised. As i am mostly always late for everything, oops.. I have started writing list of things i need to do to make sure i haven't forgot anything. So far I've done quite well with my first new years revolution! 

My second resolution is to become healthier, and eat more healthier foods. So after Christmas everyone puts a few pounds on.. So Ive decided i want to become more healthier as I'm always tired, and feel run down because i don't eat the healthiest of foods. So far it is going well and Ive lost abit of weight since the 6th of January, which I'm happy about. Ive started a gym that is in my area and i go 4 times a week with my boyfriend as we train together. I have eaten alot more healthy foods, such as salads, tuna pasta, chicken, more fruit and having cereal as before i didn't eat cereal as it used to make me feel sick. 

My last new years revolution is to be more positive about my life and make others feel happier if they are feeling down. I want to make a difference to the people around me and make them feel happier and to let them know that I'm always there if they need a friend. I can get quite unhappy and depressed sometimes if I'm stressed or upset about something if i don't tell anyone about how I'm feeling. Last year was such a struggle for me as i was stressed about finishing my college course and had a few family problems, and everything just seemed to get on top of me and I'd stress out and be unhappy for long periods of time. It was until i started talking about my problems and feelings until it started to get a little bit easier. I just want to help people be happier and be more positive about my life and the way i think. 

So i cant wait to see what 2014 has to bring for me, Ive never been more excited and happier to start a year of my life. Please leave comments on your news year revolutions and suggestions on what blog posts you'd like to see! 

- Lauren -

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